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Weekly Recap

Hi Friend!

Check out our latest podcast, Make it Great.

We made a new family favorite again this week! A “better than takeout” chicken fried rice (the original recipe from The Recipe Critic). We use brown rice, low sodium soy sauce, a little more veg than it calls for, and slightly less oil than called for, but the sesame oil flavor definitely makes it - don’t skip that one. We also just boiled and shredded our chicken before browning in the pan per the directions (you could use rotisserie). It is super flavorful and pairs well with, you guessed it, extra veggies (we like some roasted broccoli with garlic and sesame seeds).

In other news…


True confessions: this week has been a bit of a roller coaster over here emotionally. Overall, I feel like I’m doing really well with the stay at home thing, but just like everyone else, I’m having my moments.

I generally start every morning with coffee and the news, but to be honest I’m having to change my routine to avoid the news a bit more so I can keep my head on straight and stay positive. This is a bit of a struggle for a girl that generally likes to be well informed :) I’ve been listening to a podcast called Coronavirus 411 to stay informed but also keep my sanity. It’s a 5 min. daily report with the info you need to know from reputable sources. Definitely better for my mental state than 2 hours of depressing morning news :)

Here’s to another week of keeping our heads on straight, ticking things off our to-do list, and finding new ways to enjoy this oh so strange time in our lives!


Another week has passed and this one seemed SO fast! It is strange to me how some weeks feel as though they are 4 weeks long and other weeks fly by in the blink of an eye...while always the same good ole seven days. Is it what you have going on? Is it your attitude? What is it?

Anyways, this week was fast! We were back to Friday night pizza (yes, in such cliched style, I still look forward to Fridays :)). I’m finding new balance getting back into some sort of schedule/routine during the week with the ladies (incorporating a consistent “learning time” and “art time,” etc.). What I have not adjusted to yet (due to our recent move) is cooking EVERY night….oofda! It’s a bit, BUT enter a strategy planning session with the hubs and we’ve come up with a way to get back into a little more pre-prep and crockpot options to avoid having to cook a full meal from scratch nightly...more on that progress to come.

Feeling blessed too! Was reminded to find joy in all the small things this week through the PURE JOY experienced by my 3 year old swinging on a swing. So simple, so joyful, so beautiful. Great reminder. Feel the breeze, be present, remember God’s present, and bask in simple joys in your life.


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